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11th Workbook : Indirect Speech

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11th Workbook : Indirect Speech

Digibooks-Elearning Platform

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This workbook in PDF format aims to assist the learner with indirectly mastering the use of indirect speech-or reported speech. It is concerned with the process of turning direct speech into indirect speech and an understanding of all the subtleties it encompasses in the reporting of statements, questions, and commands. The workbook composes detailed explanations and exercises to assist learners in using indirect speech perfectly in other contexts.

There are two major divisions of this workbook :

Explanations: This section explains in detail the rules and principles governing indirect speech. It relates the means of converting direct speech to indirect speech, pronoun and verb tense adjustments, and reporting verb adjustments. There are examples that clearly illustrate the way the most frequently occurring transformations and variations often take place in the case of reporting statements, questions, and commands.

Exercise Questions: The heart of the workbook consists of indirect speech exercises. The learner is given sentences in direct speech and has to convert them into indirect speech. These exercises range from simple sentences to very complex dialogues, so that the learner should practice and eventually refine his skills in reporting speech accurately.

Therefore, this book is appropriate both for students and teachers plus individuals who wish to increase their knowledge and use indirect speech. It can be used in class or for individual study and as an ancillary text to perfect grammatical competence in both written and spoken English.

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