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11th Workbook : Synthesis (Combine the sentences)

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11th Workbook : Synthesis (Combine the sentences)

Digibooks-Elearning Platform

Price : 0 Coins

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This PDF workbook was written with the aim of empowering the students to develop skills of synthesis-the skills associated with combining information gathered from sources and coming up with a coherent, comprehensive understanding. This workbook combines extensive explanations with practical exercise to help learners master the art of synthesis.

There are two distinct major divisions in the workbook and include:

Explanations: This section is an overview of synthesis techniques and strategies. It will demonstrate how to obtain relevant information from multiple sources, tie together different viewpoints or data points, and structure synthesised content in a suitable manner. Some major concepts, such as thematic organisation, comparative analysis, and argument development, are illustrated.

Exercises in synthesis form the core of the workbook. Students encounter a variety of sources of information, such as articles, reports, or data-sets, and are then asked to synthesise this information to provide answers, summaries, or arguments. It is expected this will be done smoothly and with meaningful conclusions drawn.

This workbook will be suitable for use in academic environments, as an individual study activity, or as a supplement to learning more refined research and writing skills. It would also be helpful for students, researchers, and professionals who need to enhance their ability to synthesise information for academic projects, reports, or analytical tasks.

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