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11th Workbook : E-mail Writing

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11th Workbook : E-mail Writing

Digibooks-Elearning Platform

Price : 0 Coins

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This PDF workbook is to be used as an aid in enhancing learner's skills in writing emails in a clear, professional, and effective manner. It is meant to prove useful in the composition of an email for business correspondence, for formal requests or even for informal communication purposes. It unfolds comprehensive yet practical exercises to help the learners understand and master e-etiquettes as well as enhance their written communication effectively.

The workbook is divided into two main parts:

Explanations: This will form a chapter on email basics, like the subject and structure of professional and personal emails. There would be instruction to the student on how to compose a good subject line for writing clear messages concisely, picking just the right tone and language, with all other add-ons that go into an email, like greetings, body content, and so on. Part of this includes best practises for email etiquette, going from how to answer various forms of inquiries.

Practice Exercises: The writing of email takes most of the workbook. A specific situation or topic is given to the learner, which then requires him/her to write an appropriate email for the situation or occasion. Exercises include official demands, business letters, and informal communications among others. Email writing will present opportunities to review emails with regards to clarity and professionalism, and some will be commented upon.

This workbook is most appropriate for students, professionals, or any other reader who desires to improve their emailing skills. It can be used in learning institutions for a study session or even as an asset for self-study or for adding email writing skills that become effective communication techniques in both personal and professional contexts.

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